Thursday, 19 December 2013

Science Fair Projects - Making a Winning Science Project Step 7 - Your Presentation

How to Present Yourself

Science fair projects require a decent level of presentation. You may be asked by your teacher to orally present your project in front of the whole class. Your presentation must be short yet complete. Explaining your project to your class may be the most difficult thing you will ever have to do. You off course would want to do a great job, so you will require a lot of practice.

Actors and speakers always record their acts or speeches on a tape or a video recorder and look at it or listen to it so as to evaluate their performances. You could probably do the same as science fair projects may require a similar effort. Seeing yourself present your project on video could be the biggest eye opener. Moreover, it could teach you tons of things you can improvise on.

Think about this: Your project is all ready and your display looks great too. Then the judge asks you a couple of questions, and you are dumbstruck because you are too nervous, or these questions never crossed your mind before. You wouldn't want this to happen, would you? Yes, a well presented display speaks volumes about your project, but in the end it all depends on how you answer the questions and convince the judge that you know what you are doing, and that the work was done by you.

Invite your friends over for some snacks and encourage them to ask you any question that crosses their minds. Try to answer the questions in a scientific way. If you cannot answer the question, you must never exhibit ignorance or try to 'wing it' or guess it. Rather, honestly mention that you never came across the answer during your project research, and skillfully offer another piece of convincing information. The bottom line is that you must present yourself before the judges with confidence and zeal.

Your display gives the first impression about your science project, but your appearance gives the first impression about the person behind the project. A well dressed person naturally sends out positive vibes and enables you to introduce yourself and your project well. Your appearance may very well set the mood for the rest of the analysis.

What the Judges Are Looking For
All science fair projects have judging formats that are similar, but it will do you well if you are aware of the fact that judges start by giving each project average marks. The marks are subsequently added or subtracted from that point on.

You will be in a position to receive better points if you can:

  1. Objectives of the Project
    • Present unique ideas
    • State the problem in an understandable way
    • Pinpoint the variables and use controls
    • Help the judges to relate to the problem
  2. Project Skills
    • Know your equipment
    • Be acquainted with what has to be done to arrive at the stated result
    • Conduct the experiment on your own
  3. Collection of Data
    • Maintain a full-fledged journal
    • Finish the project within the stipulated time limit
    • Repeat the experiment in order to verify the verify the end result
    • Present results that can be easily measured
  4. Interpretation of data
    • Represent data in the form of tables, charts and graphs
    • Interpret data by using research
    • Collect sufficient information to reach a conclusion
    • Make your conclusion purely based on the data collected
  5. Presentation of science fair projects(oral, written, display)
    • Create a report the is complete and includes all necessary facts
    • Answer questions correctly
    • Use the display to support your oral presentation
    • Verify conclusions based on experimentation results
    • Summarize all facts learned
    • Present a display that reflects your originality and creativity
    • Present an appealing display

Some dos and don'ts at Science Fairs:

  • Always bring some reading material along since you never know how long the judge or judges will take to arrive.
  • Introduce yourself to your fellow presenters. Be sociable and polite.
  • Enquire about your fellow presenters' projects. Brief them about your project if they would be interested.
  • Have fun.
  • Be silent and don't distract or disturb your fellow presenters.
  • Remember that you represent your school. So your attitude and actions will definitely affect the way they think about your school.

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