Friday, 27 September 2013

Love Interest in Science Fiction

Mention the subject of "love interest" in connection with the sf genre and you might get various plausibly dismissive reactions from those who do not know it very well. SF, they might say, is too concerned with other things; with sociological extrapolation or derring-do amongst far stars. Its sense of wonder is ill-fitted to the different kind of wonder, the personal nuances of a successful love story. Trying to put both kinds of greatness into a story would surely lead to overloaded plots and confusion of aim.

To which I reply: it all depends on what kind of sf story we are discussing. To begin with it should be admitted that here are stories which are such generally good portrayals of character and situation, that there is bound to be a well-handled love interest simply because the people in the story are human, living human lives. This is the case with Jack Vance's masterpiece, Araminta Station. Vance in sheer exhuberant creativity gives us the world Cadwal with its political stresses between Conservationists and their "progressive" opponents, and his hero suffers love and loss and love again, in the course of his schooling and career, which is all intimately linked with the fortunes of the society in which he lives. You could call Araminta Station a character-epic set on another world; its status as sf is real, but it also has something of the assurance of a "mainstream" novel of manners.

The love interest doesn't have to be as nuanced as this in order to be a successful part of a story. In Heinlein's The Puppet Masters, an alien-invasion thriller, the course of true love between hero and heroine is marred for a time when he falsely believes she has allowed herself to participate in a plot to manipulate him into undergoing a horrible test involving contact with a parasitic alien. The episode is a good example of a love story "subplot" being a useful aspect of the main plot when it touches it at a certain point. The characters are not as finely drawn as in the Vance novel but they are every bit as good as they need to be, and they are presented in a sufficiently vivid series of situations, that the reader can round them with his imagination.

This is a good general principle: sf provides the special situations, and the situations provide the opportunities for romantic drama. More so than in mainstream literature, the characters can afford to be stereotyped because the situations confer vividness on them to a special degree. Thus the so-called "stereotypes" become brilliant in their simplicity, like gemstones.

Examples that come to mind include:

The beautiful-but-mean-minded Sanoma Tora and the noble-hearted Tavia in E R Burroughs' A Fighting Man of Mars; the various women who beguile or infuriate the hero in Ward Moore's alternate-history novel Bring the Jubilee (in which the Confederacy won); the awkward situations in which the space-pilot hero finds himself in J T McIntosh's One In Three Hundred, where the Earth is about to be destroyed and space-pilots are given the task of choosing which few people are to be given a chance to escape to Mars.... a situation rather conducive to acquiring a lot of sudden girl friends.

In the Ooranye Project there is the dilemma explored in "The Open Secret", in which belief in reincarnation is an obstacle to a romance which, in a previous incarnation, led the hero and heroine to produce a child who grew up to be a destructive arch-villain who plagued civilization: the fear is that if they marry again in their current lives, their evil child will also be born again. And in "The Forgetters" the theme of love is likewise basic to the plot - the hero seeking artificial amnesia as an escape from an unhappy marriage, with unforeseen results.

However, sf can do more than all this. The theme of Love itself can be brought explicitly - if you like, philosophically - into the story. Here I must mention the only woman writer to be cited in this article - C L Moore, author of two of the most unforgettable sf tales ever.

"No Woman Born" (1944) is the story of Deirdre, a dancer and singer, who was all but killed in a theatre fire - only her brain survived, and she was given a new body of metal. Its designer knew better than to try to reproduce her old body scientifically; but science could give her another kind of beauty. The metal body is marvellously described. Its fluid, serpentine motions enthrall her audience when Deirdre gives her first comeback performance. Yet we are made to feel that Deirdre is doomed to drift ever further from humanity as the metal of her body influences her soul. The love in this story - the love, not of two individuals for each other, but of an adoring public for a diva - is bound, we feel, to end tragically.

And finally, the ultimate claim for romance, for the power of love: "The Bright Illusion" (1934). Due to a cosmic conflict and the subterfuges and disguises which it makes necessary, a man and an alien are brought together in a love which transcends the barrier of species. Their bodies are horrible to each other, but their souls somehow become enamoured.

It was a very strange sensation to be addressing her thus, from brain to brain. "The sight of you was dreadful to me, and I know how I must have looked to you. But the shock of that sight has taught me something. The shape you wear and the shape you seemed to wear before I saw you in reality are both illusions, both no more than garments which clothe that.... that living, vital entity which is yourself - the real you. And your body does not matter to me now, for I know that it is no more than a mirage."

In a sense, C L Moore is making opposite points, taking opposite sides, in these two great stories.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Social Science Jobs - Are You Interested in Becoming a Social Scientist?

Social scientists are responsible for study relationships among groups of people, how they make decisions, and how they respond to change. By studying human society, a these professionals will suggest various solutions to government, business, and environmental problems. It is common for social scientists to work as analysts for governments and private corporations.

Science involves a great deal of research, which will often involve conducting interviews and gathering statistical and demographic information about a population that is being studied. Anthropologists are responsible for studying the social and cultural development of human behavior and technology, and these professionals will study the cultures and customs of groups that range from primitive to industrial.

Archaeologists have the responsibility of investigating old ruins, tools, and other artifacts of early civilizations, in order to learn how technological advances affected the cohesion and progress of ancient societies.

Political scientists are responsible for studying political systems and public policy, which can include investigating such topics as public opinion, political ideology, and public policy, and conducting various surveys to analyze election results and other matters of public and private interest.

Sociologists will study human behavior in religious, political, and business organizations in order to understand why crime and social movements occur. Geographers will analyze cultural phenomenon on a local, regional, and global level, studying the distribution of resources and the implications that various factors, such as climate and soil, have on human activity.

Historians will document and analyze the past, using official and private records, in addition to newspapers and other mediums to try to create a recollection of a historical period or event.

Social scientists will typically work 40 hours a week although they may have to travel to dig sites or to investigate particular cultures or languages. Their training will usually require at least a master's degree in order to gain positions in universities or government fields.

In 2006, these workers had about 18,000 jobs in America, with about 40% working for governments, and many of the rest working for universities and business firms. The job prospects over the next ten years for social scientists are fairly good, and employment growth will progress slightly faster than the rate of population growth.

In 2006, the Federal government paid social scientists entry level wages between $28,862 and $35,572, with those having a master's degree starting out of a much higher rate of pay at $42,731.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Economics Not Only Failed to Be a Real Science in Practice But Took a Wrong Investigative Direction

Perhaps the most ridiculous and rather insulting concept that has risen in the modern post-religious world is one of "laws of economics". In the future, people will look back with amazement that a concept belonging in the same category of fiction as "divine right', "natural law", or "inalienable right" has managed to survive for as long as it did. Of course just like these previous illusions, this silly study of man made artificial constructs (and the resulting records and snapshots in time of these faith based constructs that are always in flux) is only "relevant" because the constructs are backed by guns, bomber planes, and thermonuclear rockets. The "experts" in these matters only hold power in so far that the giant monopoly game that is 21st century international capitalism is "strictly" adhered to by most of the global force centers (monopolies on violence that are strong states).

This "strict" adherence (to an international elite consensus on how to allocate material resources acquired through force) is not logically possible since the strong individuals who make the rules always modify and change them at will. Thus, even the concept of world's elites playing by their own rules is an impossible fiction since strict adherence is a joke. Yet, for some reason billions of people think that the experts in economics (a playground sandbox that makes an even poorer job trying to be a "real" science than sociology does) have more validity than experts on feudal slave economics hundreds of years ago.

Yes, there were always people who spent years studying symptoms of arbitrary decisions made by elites. They studied serfdom and how the papal state theocracy allocates resources. They studied dynamics of slave trade. When decades of an individual human are spent memorizing and recording the effects of social policy, the human is tempted to make the results of the study into universal eternal law. Thus we have seen academics defending for centuries theocratic/feudal/absolute monarchist slavery as an efficient natural way of allocating materials and human beings. Notice how humans are considered "resources" now just as they were in ancient Egypt.

Even today, it is tempting to think that all the world's conflicts and problems can be boiled down to disagreements on how to allocate material "scarce" resources. It is tempting to side with elites and use supercomputers and fancy graphs to find ever better more efficient way to allocate commodities and human labor. However, human beings and natural resources are not just sitting there in a petri dish to be studied and efficiently allocated. Human beings are actively trying to expand their personal power by creating new rules of the game to trick others into playing by the new rules. The study of economics is the study of an inflatable tent placed on ever shifting sand dunes. All the world's social problems and conflicts occur due to eternal and fluid power struggles between numerous mammals trying to get an edge over other mammals any way they can. We see the strong societies make rules and forcing weak societies to play by them while not following the rules themselves. This indicates that when world's elites get cornered by the rules of their own making, they will attempt to change or get rid of the game altogether.

Economics, besides not being even close to a real science like chemistry (although of course chemistry also studies patterns in shifting sand dunes and crude shapes produced by energy flow), doesn't even focus in the right direction. Only study of power dynamics between individuals combined with biology can begin to provide ideas on what arrangement can give us desired social results.

Here's a visual illustration of the difficulties we're facing. Right now all the world's people are like little spheres of power in a closed container (lets visualize it as cylindrical container for clarity). These spheres shrink and expand based on how much power an individual attains in society due to external and internal variables. The larger the sphere is, the more it rises to the top while the smaller ones sink to the bottom. Of course while the bottom of the container is full of billions of tiny spheres (those mammals making less than a dollar a day) the surface of the pile has a few thousand large spheres rubbing against each other (mammals that are economic, military, and political elites). Most individuals are biologically predisposed to try to become master over the entire world (subconsciously and consciously)by increasing personal power in all directions since it increases their chances of survival and reproduction. Most would not mind being in charge of everything, being the only sphere on the surface of the pile plugging the cylinder and preventing any from even sharing the same level as itself.

It becomes evident that the real question to resolve is one of scarcity of power. The task of economics (looking at world's elites playing monopoly table game with real human lives and constantly making rules up as they go along) to predict anything having to do with reality is a futile and silly one. People should drive these economists (modern day charlatans, useless snake oil salesmen, and king's courtiers) out of town and look towards scientists, doctors, and psychologists for solutions on how to divide power amongst humanity.

Throughout history, in most major civilization and religions, usury was frowned upon and often prohibited. Money changing artists and parasitic middlemen never contributed anything useful. Over thousands of years human learned the hard way over and over again to prohibit "interest". The trade behind new world colonial expansion could never begin to be compared in "realness" to today's financial sector. The ancient world built awe inspiring mass infrastructure without links of middlemen and their material overhead. The world of the future will do so again. Now that money stopped being tangible rare items like gold and became just a fiction perpetuated by cultural inertia and charlatan salesmen, new prohibitions are needed on behavior that collapses civilization.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Platonic Fullerene Science and World Peace

The national or tribal political will that puts modern science and technology to work, seeks to control economic employment for the masses and maintain a defence structure to ensure the continuation of political power. This can be done in the name of democracy, plutocracy, dictatorship, religion, monarchies, etc. All vie to develop emotional mind control spin-aesthetics to convince their subjects that they are better off than their competitor nations or tribes. It follows that the idea of a one world government must constitute a threat to such various mind control systems. However, it is possible to override this concern by using riorous science to develop a sustainable medical code of ethics, designed specifically to guide civilisation into a state of perpetual world peace rather than perpetual conflict. The only thing preventing this to occur is science itself.

As the full potential of nanotechnology emerges, nations with nuclear weapons at their disposal will begin to realise that they will soon be no longer protected by them. It is obvious that futuristic nano-machines will be able to mass produce undetectable nano-weapons of mass destruction and there are plenty of willing zealots who would be greatly honoured to use them against civilian populations. Some might declare this to be a natural culling of people on an overpopulated planet. There will be plenty of high-ranking military personnel determined to use nanotechnology to stop the religious zealots. On the other hand, nanotechnology has the potential to create anything from very little, including the construction of food and water. Without a responsible science those controlling nanotechnology will bring hell on earth. However, with a responsible science to guide them to it, utopia is possible. In order to obtain that utopia, the scientific will to create it must first exist.

The fanatic will to bring about violent destruction is not limited to religious zealots who inflict instant entropic destruction upon innocent civilians. This fanatical will is fundamentally basic to almost all highly trained scientists as well. The prevailing scientific world-view's desire to move civilians toward entropic destruction is just as fanatical, but it operates in a slower and more organised manner. Scientists need to realise why this is an accurate depiction of the mainstream scientific mindset and to dissociate themselves from a inner compulsion to worship destructive chaos.

The Nobel Laureate Lord Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein used mathematics to convince themselves that people must worship chaos destruction. Russell's most popular essay was entitled 'A Freeman's Worship' in which he wrote that scientists must be governed by the physics law that Einstein called the premier law of all of the sciences, the law of universal chaos. At the very end, Russell wrote, all human creative genius will be utterly destroyed within a universe in thermodynamic ruin.This fanatical mindset cannot be emotionally negated by people continually telling each other to have a happy day. The time period for entropic human extinction, in nano-terms, is not at all linked to the lengthy one that Russell and Einstein predicted.

Arguing totally the opposite to the worshipping of Diabolic chaos, was the Platonic tradition of scientific philosophy that, during the 3rd Century BC, created the 'Science for Ethical Ends'. One may well ask, what makes Platonic logic so important in this matter of human survival? The answer to that question is that Platonic logic defined 'evil' as a destructive property of unformed matter within the physical atom, which can emerge to destroy civilisation.

The same mathematical logic that predicted this threat of nuclear destruction also applies to the misuse of nanotechnology. One may then ask, who can you trust to guide ennobling ethical government for the benefit of all? Platonic 'good' was defined as being for the health of an infinite universe. Therefore, the answer is that you can trust a medical science based upon a sustainable infinite evolutionary ethic. The next question arises, how can you locate an infinite evolutionary ethic that functions for the health of the universe when modern mainstream physics prohibits it to exist?

The answer to that question is obvious. Nanotechnology has shown that the molecule of emotion discovered in 1972 by Dr Candace Pert is part of a complex dynamical fractal energy system extending its logic to a universal infinity in contradiction to Russell and Einstein's world-view. The molecule of emotion continuously upgrades the structure of the endocrine fluids maintaining human health within an evolving infinite universe. That process is the basis of the emerging science of quantum biology, which entangles with the energies of chaos to evolve human consciousness. Quantum biology tells us that it is time to stop worshipping the god of chaos that the ancient Greeks called Diabolos.

Buckminster Fuller used the Platonic ethical mathematics to develop his synergistic model of the universe and the three 1996 Nobel laureates in chemistry named the basis of their new medical science as Fullerene Chemistry. Fuller wrote a book entitled 'Utopia or Oblivion' in which he postulated that we now have a choice to be governed by the law of chaos or by the Platonic engineering principles of creation. To the non-scientist this means living in a universe governed by Platonic love.

From Fuller's balanced energy perspective, derived directly from Platonic mathematics, the necessary medical science can be envisaged in which nano-technology can be guided by an ethical Platonic Oath, upgrading the ancient Hippocratic one, used in medicine today. During the 18th and 19th Centuries, a PhD in science meant a doctorate in philosophy and the great philosophers of that time, who made the great electromagnetic discoveries, used the mathematics belonging to the Platonic ethical science to develop ethical electromagnetic physics. Any leading encyclopaedia will explain that the discoverer of the electromagnetic field, Hans Christian Oersted, wrote his doctoral dissertation, based upon the electromagnetic ethics postulated by the philosopher of science Emmanuel Kant.

Friedrich Schelling and Alexander Humboldt upgraded the electromagnetic ethic in terms compatible with recent discoveries made by nanotechnology. The Platonic tradition of philosophy classifies modern scientists as ignorant barbaric engineers, only fit to help engineer continual Diabolic chaos. Although Kant's work is held to greatly influence 21st Century scientific culture, it is a good bet that extremely few scientists reading this article would have the faintest clue that anybody ever reasoned about any sort of electromagnetic ethic, or that scientists in the past wrote formulae to demonstrate how electromagnetic ethics balanced E=Mc2.

They might therefore ask themselves, is it true that I cannot even begin to reason about such things, even though my PhD confirms me to be a philosopher? Have I been taught that I cannot challenge Einstein's entropic world-view? Am I aware that some scientists simply assume that the universe is infinite in order to derive practical solutions to complex engineering problems? Is it possible that I might be only be fit to accelerate entropic chaos in all of my reasoning unless I consider linking my hard earned knowledge to the holographic reality of quantum biology?

These question are rather serious ones. In emotional universal energy terms, there is little difference between a suicide bomber accelerating instant entropic chaos upon innocent people and the development of modern science doing the same thing in slow motion. By ignoring the existence of electromagnetic ethics within nanotechnology, huge machines are digging are up raw materials for entropic industrial development and huge fishing trawlers are netting dolphins as the nets rape the oceans. The perpetrators remain oblivious to the potential of nanotechnology to produce both the raw materials and food supplies from almost nothing.

It appears to be futile to try telling these things to a society hell bent on accelerating destructive chaos and fearful for job opportunities via an economy that converted Kantian ethics for world-peace on earth into an unattainable entropic cancerous economic growth concept. Could it become possible for scientists to allow their brilliant but unbalanced training to become entangled with the newly emerging quantum biology? People need to become aware of what they are doing when they feel obliged to remain in complete servitude to any of the dictates of 20th Century entropic mathematics, physics, politics, economics and religious certitude. Then they may be on the lookout for ethical opportunities in order to become a responsible part of the future nano-quantum biology supra-science.

Georg Cantor's mathematics is now a fundamental part of modern science. It is time to stop adding to him being the most vilified mathematician in history because of his objective to use his infinity mathematics to bring about world peace. The reader is urged to download 'Physics of life: The dawn of quantum biology' on Google to read about NASA findings relevant to this article, as published in the journal Nature and containing two subheadings 'Nature knows a few tricks that scientists don't' and 'This might just give us a few clues in the quest to develop quantum biology'.

© Professor Robert Pope, Advisor to the President Oceania and Australasia of the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Advanced Mathematics (IFM) Einstein-Galilei for Theoretical Physics and Advanced Mathematics (IFM) Einstein-Galilei

Monday, 16 September 2013

Renaissance of a Lost Political and Medical Life-Science

The world of modern mechanical science tends to consider that ethics are about how a person uses science rather than ethics being an actual property of natural science itself. Contrary to this mechanistic ethos, in the old Kingdom of ancient Egypt, the seeds of a spiritual science were planted, which were destined to one day become basic to Classical Greek scientific thinking. Egyptian philosophy was centred around a balanced geometrical structure of the universe. The goddess Ma'at actually depicted geometrical balance in association with such ethical concepts as, truth, and justice.

The online BBC article by professor of Egyptology, Professor Fekri Hassan, entitled The Fall of the Egyptian Old Kingdom, explains that during the 22nd Century BCE a terrible drought brought about the collapse of the old Kingdom, destroying the structure of centralised Egyptian rule. Within one hundred years the people re-established Egyptian government under the condition that mercy, compassion and justice were fused into the new political structure. If we replace individual theories within the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy with general objectives, we find that there existed a common goal in which Greek universities sought to add to the Egyptian ethics to establish a life-science to guide ennobling government.

Plato recorded that during the 6th Century BCE the Greek geometer, Thales, went to Egypt to study the geometrical basis of ethical government. He used that knowledge to rally opposition by the Greek tribes in their war against the tyranny of Persian military conquest. Thales persuaded Pythagoras to also travel to Egypt where Pythagoras developed the Greek celestial Music of the Spheres concept to which the philosopher, Epicurus, included the the harmonic movement of the atoms of the soul. The harmonic movement of the moon could be seen to influence the female fertility cycle. Through the forces of harmonic resonance the moon might impart evolutionary wisdom to the atomic movement within the human metabolism, establishing the basis of an ethical science to explain a mother's love and compassion for children.

During the 1st Century BCE, Cicero, the Roman Historian, recorded that this science, called the science of universal love, was popular throughout Italy and across to Turkey and he considered its teachings to be a threat to the structure of Roman rule. The only geometrical logic that can postulate linking the living process to the Egyptian concept of an infinite soul is fractal logic. NASA has published papers arguing that the Classical Greek Era was based upon fractal logic. The 20th Century discovery of Sir Isaac Newton's certainty of the existence of a more profound natural philosophy to balance the infinite functioning of the universe, is likewise a fractal consideration. Furthermore, Newton's infinite balanced world-view was upheld by the same principles of particle movement that were used to uphold the science of universal love.

We should carefully examine how religious persuasions come to dictate how scientists think, because a rather serious social error in democratic political thinking has occurred. The United States of America set out to emulate the Golden Age of Greek political ethics, which had been based upon extending the Egyptian geometrical based concepts of mercy, compassion and justice. The framers of the Constitution did not include Sir Isaac Newton's unpublished physics principles because Newton dared not publish what he considered a more natural and profound world-view. Even today there are some that have classified Newton's balanced world-view as an insane criminal heresy. Alexander Hamilton,one of the founders of the Constitution of the United States of America, defined Democratic liberty only in the limited terms of Newton's published physics principles.

The result of that unbalanced political action was that ethics in science is now generally about how one chooses to use science rather than how one might be able to create sustainable ethical technology for the betterment of the global human condition. Hopefully, a more enlightened awareness will come into being now that modern chemistry is being rewritten by Nobel Laureates to accommodate the reuniting of life-science to Newton's fractal logic. This fact may help provide a better public understanding of what political freedom, outside of the present fixed scientific world-view, can mean for the peoples of the world.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Benefits of Including Science Experiments for Kids in the Curriculum

Unlike a lot of other subjects, science is purely based on facts and truths. It involves explaining and predicting various phenomena using experiments. Compared to adults, kids have a higher tendency to absorb things that they see and hear around them. As such, this is the best time to teach them science subjects. Traditionally, science subjects would be taught using textbooks. However, it has been scientifically proven than cognitive learning techniques are better than the traditional methods. Cognitive learning involves touching, watching, listening and experiencing. This is one of the main reasons why science activities for kids are gaining steady popularity.

There are various projects and experiments that can be used to teach science subjects to kids. In addition to keeping them interested, such activities will give them a better grasp of the subject. Science education is a vast field comprising of various subjects such as social, space, earth, life, physical, etc. Learning such subjects provides the kids with certain skills that are required to lead a fulfilling life. Scientific literacy is an integral aspect of today's society. It enables one to think and take responsible decisions. Increasing population, diminishing natural resources, global warming, poverty, drug resistant diseases and political turmoil are just a few of the numerous problems faced by the world today.

Proper scientific education prepares the kids to face such problems and tackle them effectively. Including science projects in the curriculum is a good way to ensure that they receive proper scientific education. While choosing such projects, parents and teachers must ensure that the activities are entertaining as well as informative. Monotonous projects rarely serve the intended purpose. The internet is filled with numerous science experiments that parents and kids can try out at home. Furthermore, there are several online videos that can be used to teach the kids. It is a well-known fact that interactive videos can capture the attention of kids.

Certain science projects involve more than one person. Educators can try such projects at school. They can divide kids into groups and assign a project to each group. Regardless of the activity, teachers and parents must keep an eye on the kids. Certain activities, especially those involving potentially dangerous substances, should be demonstrated to the kids rather than letting them do it by themselves. There is no denying the fact that science experiments for kids have a significant influence on their scientific education. However, care should be exercised while selecting the experiments so that they are more informative than entertaining.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Hitting the Bull's Eye: Mastering Your Political Campaign and Election Strategy in the Philippines

Filipinos are among the known geniuses of the world in the arena of Politics for reason that only in the Philippines -being a Democratic country, where you could find hundreds of ways to circumvent the basic tenet of the word "election".

Believe it or not that when it comes to election result in the Philippines, there is no such thing as a loser, for all candidates considered themselves as winners. The dogma is, if someone got defeated in a certain election then it follows that he is therefore cheated.

Whether we like it or not, Politics is deeply embedded in the Filipino Culture. This is the result of more than 300 years of "captivity". In fact the death of Andres Bonifacio -one of our greatest heroes is due to Politics. If Emilio Aguinaldo is still alive today, I am sure that he can attests to the veracity of this claim.

This handbook is the fruit of my intensive observation and involvement of various Political Campaigns here in the Philippines. I am not claiming that this is the best political campaign and election strategy manual that the country has to offer but rest assured that all written here is worth considering and might as well be of someone's leverage if in case he has the desire to take the lead in making this country a better place to live.

Yes, the end cannot justify the means but in Politics justifying the means is certainly un-called for if one wants to have a favorable election outcome.

The Handbook covers the following topic:

Things to know before vying for a political seat

  1. Financial Capacity - Know how much you can afford to loss
  2. Health Status - Know your Physical strength and Emotional Preparedness
  3. Affiliations and Connections - Know your stand in the community
  4. Issues that must be resolved - Internal and External Issues
  5. Political Landscape - Get to know the people, their stand and outlook of governance.

Things to Consider Before Running a Campaign (Campaign's 5-S)

  1. Structure of the Organization - Creation of a fortified Core
  2. Strength of Campaign Machineries - Manpower, Logistics and organization
  3. Strategy to be used - General Plan of Action / Project focus
  4. Strata of risk and conflict management - Roadmap to Alternative solutions
  5. Sustainability Factor - Cascading Potential to the grass roots

The Command Center and WAR Room

  • How to Set-up Political Headquarters
  • How to Set-up a War Room

Measures of Winning Probability

  • Pre-Campaign Survey: Instrument Making, Sampling Procedure and Analysis.
  • Interim Survey
  • Mock Election

Things to Know when running a Campaign

  1. How to handle the two faces of propaganda? - Black and Gold
  2. Demographics of the voters - The Power of Statistics
  3. Strength of your opponents / rival - Measures of "Virality"
  4. Dousing the Heat between and among groups - Negotiation Factor
  5. Group Processing - Strengthening the Bond and Cooperation

The Campaign

  1. Branding - Giving Life and Personality to your campaign
  2. Choosing a Platform - The Do's and Dont's
  3. Time Management - Proper Scheduling / Time Table
  4. Financial Management- Handling Solicitations and Campaign Operations Expenses
  5. Contingency Measures - Problem and Possibility Tree

Knowing the Major Types of Voters in the Philippines

  1. Intelligent/Reasonable Voters
  2. For Sale Voters
  3. Bandwagoners
  4. Party Sympathetic
  5. Clan Controlled

Types of Election Strategies

  1. Tri-Media Exploit - Print, Radio and Television
  2. Social Media Integration - Online Campaigns
  3. Group Alliances - Civic and Religious
  4. Underdog Doctrine - Appeal to sympathy
  5. Vacuum Effect - The science of nothingness
  6. Migration Charge - Voters Movement Exploit
  7. Parallel Approach - Taming the "Rooster"
  8. Shock and Awe - Flooding Principle
  9. Pyramid - Systematic Delegation

Back to Square-One Counter Measures

  • Financial Maneuvering

Special Operations - The Day

Special Operations are very confidential since this is for sure can make or break a candidate's entire campaign, therefore, I can only discuss this to people or candidates who really wanted my help to win a local election.

  1. Iron Blanketing -
  2. Controlled Ejection-
  3. Bait and Pesos-
  4. Organizational Injection-
  5. NEWS exploit-

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Political Correctness - Can We Survive?

Today's politically correct world is hindering the choices our politicians are making in Washington. In fact, Congress is tied up in grid lock while nothing gets done! Partisan bickering will unfortunately continue until the presidential election.

As some of the defining issues of our time are being debated on Capitol Hill, why is it that year after year the American public elects politicians who empower change and yet we find ourselves frustrated and angry at the incompetence of both parties.?

Why? The reason is that political correctness has risen to new levels never before seen. As an example, according to National poles released yesterday, the American public agrees that more drilling and exploration for oil domestically is a vital & necessary step to begin reducing the price of gas at the pump. By drilling right now, Citizens would see a slight change in the price short term, but innovation into alternative energy means is required for a long term solution.

The Democratic Party has had a long standing policy of anti-drilling. Since the late 70's, America hasn't developed ANY refineries, nor has the US Government expanded oil production. Meanwhile foreign dependence on imported oil has been the rule. The problem is that our politicians continually fight for political power and their main focus is getting "RE-Elected". This continued cycle has hindered the People's will and views.

Today's politicians are now literally being run by special interest groups. From environmental groups to labor unions to the lobbyist. These types of groups have become evermore powerful as we watch our politicians "dance" when they pull their strings. This is why we hear so many different positions on any one issue facing our nation.

Weather its the Republicans not admitting there's a problem concerning global warming, to Democrats dening domestic oil production, the problems America faces in the 21st century need to be dealt with concise action and at the will of the American public. We cannot afford to continue the path of political correctness.

When will the American public stand up and demand our politicians take action. Somehow we've forgotten that we're Americans first not just republicans or democrats. As interest groups continue to divide our nation with left or right mentalities, our nation suffers due to the lack of action. Its no wonder the President and Congress's approval rating is the lowest in history.

For the RIGHT, take a look around, the polar ice caps are melting at astonishing levels, violent storms continue to ravish the world. From tornados in the mid west to tsunami's in the east to rising economies in India & China. Pollution is making a mark on the environment. It's not rocket science letting us know "Mother Nature" is angry. Global Warming exist, you just have to open your eyes.

For the LEFT, continuing to preach "We need to Develop new energy" as a solution to the high gas prices will not help in the short run. The technology exists to drill for oil offshore as well as Anwar and other areas. The environmental impact can be minimized and carried out with efficiency. The will of the people say Drill Now, and yet you deny the plausibility, America's future is at stake!

Finally, the true power of the American People is not merely electing a President, Congressman or Senator, it is the persistent direct communication we make with our elected officials.

Here are a few words that may resonate, If you don't vote, don't complain. If you don't complain, don't expect change. If you expect change, change your communications. Direct contact with elected officials is the fastest way to solve America's Challenges.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Why A Basic Understanding of Technology is Important to Politics!

Science and Technology may not be the most popular educational path among young people. For many of us it's hard enough to wrap our minds around the implications of Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Yet this theory is 100 years old and has been tested experimentally many times. Certain aspects of it are in common everyday use. Without an appreciation for relativistic effects, our communications satellites would not be able to function properly.

The teaching of Science requires a special kind of instructor in order to bring to life arcane formula and abstract concepts in a way that will continue to captivate the student's mind and encourage young people in this career direction. While these may be hard to find, we fortunately have the web to provide us with many resources that allow us to self-educate. At this time in history humankind is on the verge of significant breakthroughs in many fields of scientific endeavor.

These will create tremendous opportunity, new product development, sources of employment and fresh fuel to the economy along with prosperity for the World and the U.S. in particular. To fully realize the value of technological advancements in our world we also need visionary leaders to make policy decisions that encourage fundamental research and provide an environment that will foster its commercial application without letting various forms of dogma stand in the way of creating a better life for people everywhere on earth.

Additionally, we must ensure that when breakthroughs in low cost energy production, cures for disease and other beneficial advancements are realized, they are not kept from the marketplace by those powerful elite whose particular cash cow is in danger of being eliminated by progress. This is meant to be a short commentary and not an exhaustively researched paper.

For those interested, a couple of links among the many available that provide valuable information on where various technologies are headed are:, These are written for the lay person and relatively easy going. Have no doubt that knowledge is power and it is important for us all to have a basic understanding of the implications of the current state of Science and Technology and how important it is to choose our leadership, at least partially, on the basis of their understanding also. Our future depends on it!